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Re: Стив Джонсон живет в доме за миллион (Всего: 1)
от Михаил на 09.02.2004
Стив Джонсон говорил:

Regarding the home itself: he bought it for "only $123,000", and that was "with help from my father-in-law";
Стив оценивает дом в 123000$. Интересно, правда? Очень смешные деньги [примерно 3-4 джипа].

Regarding his salary, he refuses to discuss it. Instead he ducks the question with the glib comeback, "If I ever get rich, it won't be because of the church. It'll be because I won the lottery."
Лотерея... Это идея будет покруче "щедрых братьев северной федерации" : .

Regarding the uncomfortable questions being put to him over the phone, Steve jokingly compares himself to Jesus and the reporter to one of Jesus' crucifiers. Steve tell the reporter to hold on to the phone while he gets the reporter "some more nails to crucify me with."
Репортёры для Стива - это те кто заколачивают гвозди в его руки. Эй, кто забъет гвоздь нашим "героям" :) ?

Ниже - письмо Кена Стиву Джонсу от 6 февраля:
Steve J,
This message is directly to you, not really a response to the poster.

Steve, do you understand the deception you practiced? If so, you have never confessed openly, so I will help you see it, again.

Let's keep it simple. "When the impression you work hard to give is intended to cover up reality, that is called deception."

Steve, you remember that you intentionally planted too many trees and shrubs in front of your house, and let things get overgrown, even with Buzz around who is an excellent gardener and had indeed done miraculous gardening at his house.

You did this specifically to make it look like a normal little house, or even a bit quirky and less than normal, that certainly wouldn't look like anything "special" or "lavish" from the front. You worked hard to create that impression.

You will remember that one of the things that pleased you about that particular house, back when we all moved to Rockland together in the early and mid-1990's, was that it had an appearance from the front as a modest little house. You and Lisa were glad to find a house that "looked small from the street" because you believed this would help shield you and your family from the questions that were coming up about the apartment on 98th street, the lavish decorations provided for you mostly free of charge from you know who, the "intricate" but probably fully legal (since minor shadings of the truth are rarely prosecutable) ways that you and he financed it, etc.

You dreaded those questions then as you are dreading the questions in the past year. Don't you see the pattern here? What does it mean when someone gets defensive? Remind yourself of your own teachings, and heal thyself.

Steve, you do remember that in close proximity to the time you were on the phone giving the interview referenced in this thread, there were stoneworkers, construction people, cement pourers, fireplace experts, and other kinds of work being done, on the back of the house, out of site from the street. Or, at least, you were well into the planning stages of how to put your investment gains into your house.

You need to be in touch with reality enough to remember that these home improvements cost you in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Do we need to name names, and quote prices paid, to help you remember?

Steve, why are you willing to give the impression of running and hiding out? Could it be that you ARE running and hiding out again, without admitting this even to yourself?

Steve, please come forward openly and publicly, as you committed personally to me that you would do, about one year ago almost to this day, in my basement, about everything.

At the very least, if you can't bring yourself to come clean about everything, then come clean about these specific issues. Open up publicly about the improvements you made to your home and the money you used to make them. Give all the details, don't hold anything back. You see, when you are a public leader accepting public money as pay (church members are the public in this case), then the public does indeed have a right to know your finances, especially given the clear impression of impropriety.

Do you understand there is a clear impression of impropriety here? You need to, if you don't. It doesn't matter that soem of your best friends are telling you to not worry about it. You need to ignore them and do the right thing.

More than that: "When the impression you are working hard to give is intended to cover up reality, that is called deception."

You will likely loose your soul if you continue refusing to come clean. Whatever you do or don't do, I will pray that God will be merciful to you, but my hope for you is not strong if you persist. You know the right thing to do and have refused to do it, wreaking havoc around you, exactly and precisely as we discussed a year ago.

Steve, I am not persecuting you. You are simply in need of coming clean. You and I both know it, and so many others who know you well know it. Telling you that truth is the best thing I can do for you.

Summarize it for yourself, it may be easier to see that way. Say it to yourself: "I was a minister in a rapidly growing, dynamic, financially surging organization. Lots and lots of perks came my way because of my position in the organization and because of the way I was discipled, and chose to follow, to handle people around me in that position."

Steve, just come clean about all this, it's so simple. Perhaps most people could still forgive you, although I can speak for no one but myself.

Lots of love,

Стив, только полностью признайся обо всём этом, это так просто. Возможно, большинство людей ещё простят тебя, хотя я могу ответить только за себя.

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